Sunday, December 27, 2009

Slowly but Surely

With the holidays came craziness.   I wanted to get a bunch more animals listed so that they could all find new forever homes over the holidays but I just didn't have time.  My cleaning business became complicated and I was dealing with that instead of making and listing my creatures.  That didn't stop me from selling some siamese triplet snails though!

All my future listings will also feature a picture of the great packaging that I came up with.  It has breathing holes and paper bedding inside for their messes.  I think its hilarious.

On a personal note I now have two awesome dogs.  Xander the husky and Butters the pit bull.  Here's a cute pic:


1 comment:

  1. I checked out those snails, and that's pretty much one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I like all the other ones too, but the snails are my fave. :) I love your creativity, you have always got the best ideas.
